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Tuesday, February 11, 2003
Scottish Socialist MSP Tommy Sheridan is facing prison yet again over his protest against the Faslane nuclear submarine base. He is on trial at Helensburgh tomorrow, Wednesday 12 February, on a charge of breach of the peace for sitting down at the base last February.
Tommy Sheridan recently won a major victory over the Crown when the Appeal Court confirmed a majority decision that he was peacefully exercising his right to demonstrate under the European Human Rights Convention.
Tommy Sheridan said,
“With war looming in Iraq and a British Defence Secretary threatening to use nuclear weapons against Iraq, it is more important than ever to demonstrate against nuclear weapons. I shall be arguing against this in court tomorrow and if convicted, will refuse to pay the fine and be prepared to go to prison.
I shall also be speaking at the anti-war demonstration in Glasgow on Saturday and urging mass civil disobedience by people if the war goes ahead. This is a time for citizens to stand up against the war. Nuclear weapons have been ruled as illegal by the International Court of Justice in 1996 and I shall be reaffirming that tomorrow.”
For more information, contact Tommy Sheridan on 07887 795075 or Hugh Kerr on 0131 348 5631/07713 063647