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Tuesday, March 18, 2003
Tommy Sheridan, Scottish Socialist Party MSP and Convenor, today called on the Presiding Officer to allow an emergency debate on British involvement with the USA’s bombardment of Iraq.
David Steel, Presiding Officer replied to Tommy Sheridan’s request for an emergency debate, indicating that he has the power to select a specific motion for an emergency debate. Tommy Sheridan has called for as many MSPs as possible to sign up for such a debate in the Parliament tomorrow.
Tommy Sheridan said,
“The massacre in Iraq is not only immoral and unjust, but it is also now illegal. Scottish troops should not be putting their lives on the line to advance American oil interests in the Gulf. George Bush and his brutal crew represent the most right-wing administration in US history. Not only should Britain refuse to be in bed politically with these people, but we should also be condemning them as war criminals for dropping 3,000 bombs and missiles on innocent men, women and children.”
Tommy Sheridan has lodged the following motion for emergency debate in the Scottish Parliament:
“That the Parliament believes the American-led bombardment of Iraq is unjust, immoral and illegal and that Scottish and British troops should not be involved in this massacre.”
For more information, contact Tommy Sheridan on 07887 795075 or Hugh Kerr on 0131 348 5631/07713 063647