sundaymail - 10 SEATS Poll says SSP poised for Holyrood breakthrough Sheridan wants undecided to spoil ballot papers
TOMMY SHERIDAN'S Scottish Socialist Party could have 10 MSPs after the Holyrood elections, according to an opinion poll.
Sheridan, the party's only MSP, has been boosted by his anti-war stance at the expense of Labour and the SNP.
His party will not win seats in under the traditional first-past-the- post rules on May 1.
But the poll, conducted by Scottish Opinion for the Sunday Mail, suggests they could pick up as many as 10 seats under the top-up list system determined by second preference votes.
Last night Sheridan said: "People recognise our honesty and integrity and even though they don't always agree with everything we say they trust us with their second vote."
The Sunday Mail