SHERIDAN RESPONDS TO McCONNELL'S RANTINGS - RECYCLED LIES FROM SCOTLAND'S FIRST HYPOCRITETommy Sheridan, Convenor or the Scottish Socialist Party today responded to the leader of the New Labour Party in Scotland, Jack McConnell in the following terms. He said,
“Mr McConnell is very weak on recycling waste, but very strong on recycling lies. His ranting and raving against me and the SSP is designed to deflect attention from his shameful, whole-hearted support for the illegal bombing of Iraq and the consequent loss of thousands of innocent Iraqi children’s lives. McConnell told the Scottish Parliament that Saddam Hussein’s brutal regime possessed weapons of mass destruction and posed a threat to Scotland and Britain. He was wrong. He had lined up with Tony Blair and George Bush’s right wing administration who want to dominate our world and are willing to spill tons of innocent blood to get their hands on billions of barrels of oil.”
Tommy Sheridan further said,
“Mr McConnell has become Scotland’s First Hypocrite. He appealed for a clean election campaign and has proceeded to throw insults, lies and distortion at the Scottish Socialist Party. A vote for McConnell’s New Labour Party is a vote for illegal wars, nuclear weapons and kow-towing to George Bush and American global domination in the face of shameful pensioner and child poverty in Scotland.”
For further information contact Tommy Sheridan on 07887 795075