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Wednesday, August 06, 2003
'We are astonished and shocked you have detained a family for one year'Anger as Ay children put on plane and deported to Germany Jutta Graf, an assistant to Josef Winkler MP, the German Green party speaker on immigration issues, said she would also urge the government to grant exceptional leave for the family to remain in the country on medical grounds.
She had earlier met Rosie Kane, the Scottish socialist MSP. Later, Ms Kane said she was urging a Scottish Executive minister to fly to Germany to support the campaign.
She said: "It is completely unacceptable that ministers should wash their hands of this matter and stand back and watch a group of traumatised children forced onto a plane to be deported to Germany.
"Jack McConnell or one of his deputies would be of enormous assistance to the Ay family in Germany, helping to get their status resolved and removing the threat to send them on to Turkey."
She said that some German politicians had expressed their disbelief that the family had been kept behind bars in Scotland. The Herald
Daily Telegraph: Deported Kurd family will fight to returnFamily to continue fight for asylumRosie Kane, the Scottish Socialist Party MSP, flew to Berlin yesterday, in an attempt to garner support among German socialists and green politicians. She hopes to meet with German officials to plead with them not to return the family to Turkey. The ScotsmanAy family to appeal from abroadKurd family deported as final appeal fails